Söyler Sanat Academy; Started to provide music education with its first branch opened in Bahçeşehir, Istanbul in 2017, it attracted many students from all over Turkiye in a short time and opened 2 new branches; Beşiktaş in 2018 and Halkalı in 2019, increasing the total number of branches in İstanbul to three.
Söyler Sanat Academy cooperates with the London Music Academy for accreditation program and offers certificate opportunities to students studying within. Söyler Sanat Academy, which also provides consultancy services to many private music schools in different cities of Turkiye, has also included many famous names and great masters in its teaching team such as; Serhan Yasdıman (Guitar), Cafer Nazlıbaş (Kabak Kemane), Polat Akarçay (Dilsiz Kaval), Şaban Gölge (Violin), Murat Süngü (Cello), Kutsal Sütoğlu (Kanun), Ufuk Kaan İçli (Oud), Ayşegül Altıok (Vocal).
However, the pandemic negatively affected the music and education sectors, as well as all sectors, and all our branches had to temporarily suspend their activities as of March 2020.
As many educational institutions started to provide online education during the pandemic period, Söyler Sanat Academy prepared its infrastructure and offered its students the opportunity to take private lessons online. In this way, students from various countries of the world had access to private lessons for other instruments, especially Ney, online through different platforms.
Providing a unique service thanks to its instructor staff consisting of well-known and distinguished names in the field of music, Söyler Sanat Academy inaugurated the Söyler Sanat Academy Doha branch on 08 May 2022 simultaneously with Sinan Söyler Ney Atelier in the West Bay region of the capital of Qatar, effective the lifting of the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic and started to serve the international student population in Qatar.
Likewise, effective the start of the new academic year in Turkey, we have reopened our doors to our valued students at our Beşiktaş branch in Istanbul as of September 2022.
In the first quarter of 2023, we started to provide consultancy on music education by signing a cooperation and representation agreement with Angham Alshrq Music School, a local institution serving in Doha.
Finally, we expanded our service area by opening our Istanbul Kavacık branch in August 2023.
Söyler Sanat Academy,
Beşiktaş, Istanbul Branch - Türkiye
Söyler Sanat Academy, which took its respected place in the field of music education with its first branch opened in Başakşehir in 2017, opened its Beşiktaş Branch in Istanbul in the first quarter of 2018. The music school, which has gained a prestigious place in the education and art community in a short time by gathering experienced teachers who have made a name for themselves in the art community, in its teaching staff, provides consultancy services to other music schools in different provinces of Turkey and is preferred among music schools thanks to the Training Camps it organizes and the Masterclass Workshops it offers. has become one. As the staff of Söyler Sanat Academy, which had to close its doors for approximately 2 years like other educational institutions due to the Covid-19 pandemic in late 2020, we are very happy to open our doors to our students again with the start of the 2022-2023 academic year following the post-pandemic normalization process.
In addition to the courses given by our distinguished instructor staff, our courses in our Beşiktaş branch, where masters from the art community will continue to organize Masterclass Workshops, will be held as of September in the 2023-2024 academic period, and student registrations have started.
Beşiktaş Branch Courses:
Ney Lessons
Kaval Lessons
Side Flute Lessons
Oud Lessons
Cümbüş Lessons
Bağlama Lessons
Kanun Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Kemane Lessons
Violin Lessons
Cello Lessons
Piano Lessons
Clarinet Lessons
Percussion Lessons
Vocal Lessons
DJ Lessons
Söyler Sanat Akademisi
Kavacık Şubesi
İstanbul - Türkiye
As Söyler Sanat Academy, which took its respected place in the field of music education with its first branch opened in Başakşehir in 2017, we opened the Kavacık Branch in Istanbul in August 2023.
After we took over the management of the institution, which had previously provided quality service for years under the name of Aydoğan Music School, as Söyler Sanat Academy, we first completely restored all areas, including the classrooms, and created a new instructor staff by adding many new instruments to the curriculum. Our courses in our Kavacık branch, where Masterclass Workshops will be organized by masters from the art community, as well as the lessons to be given by this distinguished instructor staff, will be held as of September in the 2023-2024 academic year, and our student registration for the classes has already started.
In addition, there is also a full-fledged Recording Studio within our Kavacık branch. In our recording studio; Many technical services such as recording, arrangement, mastering, mix mastering, acoustic clips and social media reels are offered, as well as rental opportunities for rehearsals.
Our Lessons at Kavacık Branch:
Ney Lessons
Kaval Lessons
Side Flute Lessons
Oud Lessons
Cümbüş Lessons
Baglama Lessons
Kanun Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Kemane Lessons
Violin Lessons
Cello Lessons
Piano Lessons
Clarinet Lessons
Percussion Lessons
Vocal Lessons
DJing Lessons
Söyler Sanat Academy,
West Bay, Doha Branch - Qatar
After the easing of the pandemic measures at the beginning of 2021, during our travels to Qatar, we engaged and had meetings with the Qatar Music Academy, Angham Al Sharq Music School, Qatar Studios, Katara Cultural Village, Turkish Grassroots Qatar, The Turkish Cultural Center Yunus Emre Institute, Qatar Turkish School, Indian Cultural Center managements as well as Qatari and foreign musicians and teachers that are residing in Qatar. We gathered information about the socio-cultural structure and music community in Qatar. As a result of these meetings, we observed that there is a suitable environment for a formation that can synthesize Turkish-Arabic music in our quality, and that instruments of Kanun and Ney, especially Oud, are very popular in Qatar, and we started our preparations to operate in Qatar.
By determining our trainers who can give music education between 2021-2022, we opened the Doha Branch of Söyler Sanat Academy in the West Bay district, under the supervision of Yusuf İlker Karaaslan, simultaneously with the branch of Sinan Söyler Ney Atelier in Doha , the capital city of Qatar, on May 08, 2022 and started to serve international student body in Qatar.
In addition to the courses we gave at our academy during the 2022-2023 academic year, we gave Ney and Oud lessons within the framework of our cooperation with Yunus Emre Institute Turkish Cultural Center.
Our trainers, who took part in many organizations and gave concerts during and after the 2022 FIFA World Cup, also regularly perform solo and as a group in various 5-star businesses under the name TÜRK MEŞK.
In the first quarter of 2023, we started to provide consultancy on music education by signing a cooperation and representation agreement with Angham Alshrq Music School, a local institution serving in Doha. Angham Alshrq Music School, a music school approved by the Ministry of Culture of Qatar, provides music education to local and foreign students residing in Qatar with its teaching staff, and also has a total of three instrument stores, two in Doha and one in Taksim Istanbul. These stores are authorized dealers of world-famous oud maker Yıldırım Palabıyık's ouds and Sultan Music instruments, and they also manufacture their own Arabic style ouds in their oud atelier in Doha. We carry out joint activities in different organizations with Angam Al Sharq, which also has an organization company under its roof. Alngham Alshrq Music School mutually supports each other in terms of Arab attitude, and Söyler Art Academy in terms of Turkish attitude. Our private and group lessons at our branch in Doha and within the Angham Alshrq Music School, with which we cooperate, continue, including the summer period. We anticipate continuing our activities by adding different instruments during the 2023-2024 academic year.
We are currently in communication with public and private institutions and organizations in Doha and are working to expand cooperation opportunities.
Starting from October 2023, in addition to our training programs, we plan to organize Masterclass Workshops for different instruments with masters we will invite from Turkey. Likewise, we continue our concert programs and stage work with our teaching musicians in our staff, as we have done so far, and we will continue to do so.
In our Home Studio, also located in our Doha branch; many technical services such as Recording, Arranging, Mastering, Mix Mastering, Acoustic Clips and Social Media Reels are offered, as well as private stage rental opportunities for rehearsals. It is possible to register for instrument lessons at our Doha branch at any time of the year.
Our Doha Branch Courses:
Ney Lessons
Oud Lessons
Cümbüş Lessons
Baglama Lessons
Kanun Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Violin Lessons
Piano Lessons
Clarinet Lessons
Percussion Lessons
Vocal Lessons
DJing Lessons